Tuesday, June 26, 2012

E Is For Execution

Finish What You Start Or Just Get Started!
With so many distractions in life: job, social commitments, reality TV, the internet, your obsession with your mobile device, how can you ever get anything done? How long is your list of things you "should" be doing? And how long are you going to wait before you get those "should's" accomplished? I recently saw a quote that said "Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments". So, you know what your goals are and you know how to get them done but you keep letting things get in the way. Everything in your life has a priority, whether low or high. At some point, you have to look at all those things you "should" be doing for yourself and make them happen. Realign your priorities and stop making excuses for what you aren't making legitimate time for. Chances are, you're letting things creep in that are sucking the life out of you! Once you've recognized what those virtual leeches are, it's time to execute a plan for the things that can actually benefit your life. Ready to start or to finish what needs to be completed? Now's the time!

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