Saturday, September 24, 2011

When Food Can't Cure It All

It would be nice to have the luxury of eating whenever you need to for maximum benefit all day long. There would never be any surprises, portions would be perfect, your ideal combination of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients would be achieved. Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from reality for most people. Each individual has to determine where their diet is lacking and learn how to add what's missing. For some, this may mean taking multi-vitamins, fish oil supplements, or probiotics. For others it may take drinking their calories in the form of protein shakes or smoothies. Either way, it's important to understand that food isn't always the most practical option for making sure your body gets everything it needs. We can help you fill in the gaps to maximize how your body should behave and function for you. Make supplements more of the rule and less of the exception for your body.

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