Monday, November 17, 2014

Random Thoughts

Sometimes things come up in conversation with clients that merit a response but don’t always lead to enough feedback for a whole newsletter in and of itself. So I wanted to throw my thoughts out on some things that may help our readers.

Stuck at current weight?

If you’re certain that your food is in order and you’ve ramped up the intensity of your workouts but the scale still isn’t moving, there may be something else to consider. Many people forget there could be a biochemical issue that isn’t always apparent on the outside. That’s generally a good time to get a comprehensive blood panel through your doctor. Make sure all things are covered: cholesterol, hormones, thyroid function, etc. Ultimately, you have to be painfully honest with yourself and make sure your diet and exercise are consistent and accurate i.e. did you actually burn 500 calories in that workout or not? If those things are right on, the blood work and hormone check could unveil some mysteries that can get weight loss back on track. Keep in mind, many medications can either prevent weight loss or promote weight gain and only your doctor can determine that.

It starts with water

Tired? Sluggish? Lethargic? Not losing weight? Not sleeping well? Stressed out? Overeating? Need a boost? As unglamorous as it sounds and as terrible of a marketing campaign as it would lead, a lot of those problems can be fixed by increasing water intake and decreasing any drinks with calories, and diuretics (tea and coffee). A good tip is to take down at least 16oz of room temperature water as soon as you wake up. Then shoot for another 16oz with every meal or snack. It may take a couple of weeks for your body to adjust to the increase of hydration but you stand to lose a fair amount of weight from this shift as well.

Waiting for the best answer?

If you haven’t pulled the trigger on a workout program or haven’t decided which diet plan to follow because you’re waiting for the ultimate and definitive answer on either, you’re setting yourself up for a huge disappointment. There won’t be one. We are so vastly different as individuals: culturally, socially, emotionally, hormonally, etc. that there will never be a blanket solution for all of us. Make a decision based on what fits into your lifestyle best from a timing and convenience standpoint and ride the course out. It may take trial and error (sometimes a lot of both) but you will find what works for you if your goals prove to be important enough.

Final thought 

I mentioned cultural differences in the last paragraph and it reminded me of something. I tied the knot on Oct. 11 and my wife (Marissa) and I were given the opportunity to see Paris for our honeymoon. It was an unforgettable experience. Despite eating a great amount of cheese and bread on our trip, we walked A LOT. To the tune of 5-7 miles a day. Overall, we each consumed a bit less than we would on a typical day in the States. It’s not a huge surprise that we both lost weight on that trip. It was very unintentional. So, it gives something to ponder: maybe it’s not the type of food you eat, but the amount. And maybe we I know that’s a shocker and I might win the Nobel Prize for that epiphany. All kidding aside, there are some indisputable facts with health and wellness, we just have to make the right efforts and with the right goals in mind. Lest I forget, I’ll leave you with a snapshot of Marissa and I from the special day. Thanks as always for your continued support of RevFit!


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