Late last year, I set out to design a program that we could actually sell to the masses. Many of you have probably heard of programs like P90X or Insanity that can be performed in the comforts of one's home or home gym. I loved the concept of that but knew what some of the limitations were of these types of programs.
Don't get me wrong: EVERY program has limitations.
But I know that our clients got to experience our perspective on an effective workout regimen: challenging, progressive, and time-efficient.
However, not everyone wants a personal trainer. And there are many of you who receive this newsletter but aren't geographically close to here to take advantage of training at RevFit.
It's people like you who inspired me to design Rev6.
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll continue to unveil some more insight to this program as well as direct feedback from the clients of ours who have allowed us to use them as subjects for how well it works.
Besides, it's easy for me to promote a program I designed and tell you how great I "think" it is. I'd prefer you hear it from those who have taken part in it; women, men, even adolescents!
When it is finally available for sale, you will be among the first to know.
So, who is the right fit for the program?
Rev6 is a base-level conditioning system. I wanted it to work for people who had 2 or 3 days a week to dedicate to strength training.
I will say that if you have over 50lbs to lose, this program may be too challenging for you. However, if you're a conditioned athlete, Rev6 may be too easy.
It's a program for the average person who wants realistic and no-nonsense results. I've taken all of the fluff and hype out of it. You won't be bored sifting through pages of theory and physiological jargon, just to get to the heart of the system.
One of the greatest things about it, like the aforementioned programs, you only need access to dumbbells and your own body. If you have some weight to lose, or muscle to gain there is something in Rev6 for each of you.
Over half of our clients have been introduced to this program and our first "graduate" finished it yesterday. She had wonderful things to say about it, which I will be sharing with you next week.
Until then, I would like to formally thank you for giving us the opportunity to expand our fitness vision yet again.
Rev6 is officially coming soon!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Thursday, January 16, 2014
All Or Nothing?
People do strange things when it comes to fitness. In a newsletter I wrote a few months ago, I talked about people who continue to do exercises they enjoy even though they continue to get injured with those activities.
One has to ask the question: Is the activity bad for the individual or are they suffering from incorrect form?
I like to use running as an example.
Few will argue that running is one of the best calorie burners when it comes to fat loss. Not to mention, it takes little to no equipment to perform it.
However, other factors contribute to the high injury rate associated with running. (Have no fear runners, I'm not picking on you. There are other suspects as well!)
-Does the individual have too much weight to lose, thereby adding excessive pressure on their joints when they run?
-Is the individual wearing proper running shoes (fitted appropriately based on gait, arch, etc.)
-Is the body given ample time to recover from a run before embarking on another or is the individual "fighting through the pain" to be able to exercise?
This list isn't comprehensive but rather a brief look at things to consider.
So I'd like you to consider something else as well:
The Extremist.
This person can float within different spectrums. They can be the obsessive dieter, the hardcore fitness enthusiast, the holistic wellness snob, etc.
Frequently what you see, is someone who will either completely embody something or completely abandon it, with no cognizance of a middle ground.
Examples like:
"If I can't work out 5 times a week, I won't work out at all."
"If I start the day with a bad meal, I might as well eat poorly for the rest of the day"
Or using our previous example
"If I can't run, then I just won't get to exercise"
I have to say, all approaches are incorrect.
If you've been sedentary for awhile or if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you just can't go from a base level of zero to 10 in the matter of a week or two.
Often times, it pays to start things off gradually and build a foundation for yourself.
Remember that for many people, drastic and abrupt changes don't work well. They have to be slower and with moderate progress so both body and mind can adapt without being overly taxed and shutting down.
To use a frequently heard phrase: burning out.
It bears repeating (as I've mentioned in other newsletters), some forms of exercise just DON'T working for some people. Maybe your body does really well with Zumba but not with Yoga. Unfortunately, you hate dancing but you love "downward facing dog". Sadly, you may have to give up on yoga or find a practitioner who is more flexible with instruction (or willing to give private instruction so you're not as likely to be injured).
Or maybe you like lifting heavy weights but your body is prone to injury and lighter weights for more reps are actually more beneficial for you.
And to use the running example one last time, maybe your inability to recover from long distance running is keeping you from being able to enjoy other types of exercise.
Your body is constantly sending you signals. You can prefer to ignore them and risk injury that may be difficult (or impossible) to recover from or you can listen to the signals.
Exercise, dietary adherence, and personal wellness should never be an all or nothing approach. You just have to be flexible with what works and doesn't work for your body so you can have a lifetime of healthy patterns and habits without making things more difficult on you than they should be.
We're here to help discern the difference!
One has to ask the question: Is the activity bad for the individual or are they suffering from incorrect form?
I like to use running as an example.
Few will argue that running is one of the best calorie burners when it comes to fat loss. Not to mention, it takes little to no equipment to perform it.
However, other factors contribute to the high injury rate associated with running. (Have no fear runners, I'm not picking on you. There are other suspects as well!)
-Does the individual have too much weight to lose, thereby adding excessive pressure on their joints when they run?
-Is the individual wearing proper running shoes (fitted appropriately based on gait, arch, etc.)
-Is the body given ample time to recover from a run before embarking on another or is the individual "fighting through the pain" to be able to exercise?
This list isn't comprehensive but rather a brief look at things to consider.
So I'd like you to consider something else as well:
The Extremist.
This person can float within different spectrums. They can be the obsessive dieter, the hardcore fitness enthusiast, the holistic wellness snob, etc.
Frequently what you see, is someone who will either completely embody something or completely abandon it, with no cognizance of a middle ground.
Examples like:
"If I can't work out 5 times a week, I won't work out at all."
"If I start the day with a bad meal, I might as well eat poorly for the rest of the day"
Or using our previous example
"If I can't run, then I just won't get to exercise"
I have to say, all approaches are incorrect.
If you've been sedentary for awhile or if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you just can't go from a base level of zero to 10 in the matter of a week or two.
Often times, it pays to start things off gradually and build a foundation for yourself.
Remember that for many people, drastic and abrupt changes don't work well. They have to be slower and with moderate progress so both body and mind can adapt without being overly taxed and shutting down.
To use a frequently heard phrase: burning out.
It bears repeating (as I've mentioned in other newsletters), some forms of exercise just DON'T working for some people. Maybe your body does really well with Zumba but not with Yoga. Unfortunately, you hate dancing but you love "downward facing dog". Sadly, you may have to give up on yoga or find a practitioner who is more flexible with instruction (or willing to give private instruction so you're not as likely to be injured).
Or maybe you like lifting heavy weights but your body is prone to injury and lighter weights for more reps are actually more beneficial for you.
And to use the running example one last time, maybe your inability to recover from long distance running is keeping you from being able to enjoy other types of exercise.
Your body is constantly sending you signals. You can prefer to ignore them and risk injury that may be difficult (or impossible) to recover from or you can listen to the signals.
Exercise, dietary adherence, and personal wellness should never be an all or nothing approach. You just have to be flexible with what works and doesn't work for your body so you can have a lifetime of healthy patterns and habits without making things more difficult on you than they should be.
We're here to help discern the difference!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
When You Care, You'll Change
Where do you fall in your list of priorities?
Is your exceptional ability to please and tend to others among your best traits?
Maybe you're the loving parent who makes sure their children have everything: material needs, your physical companionship to their sporting or extracurricular events, etc.
Maybe you're the perfect partner: always carving out time to make meals for your loved ones, making sure you spend ample time at the end of the day with each other, etc.
I love being around "pleasers". They're so impressive with their ability to multi-task and accomplish everything they need to and then some, so that no one is disappointed or left wanting in their life.
So, what's the problem?
Well, typically pleasers take care of everyone but themselves.
Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a fantastic parent, spouse, significant other, etc.
But when you invest your 110% into all of those avenues, many pleasers get to the end of their day and realize they accomplished little for themselves.
It never ceases to amaze me, many of the pleasers I work with can cover the most intimate details of all the things they did for others.
Only to discover, they forgot to shower, brush their teeth, fix their hair, put on matching socks, remember to wear all the proper clothing, etc.
At a certain point, you have to stop, take pause, and realize that only YOU can take care of you.
No one can make you exercise, eat right, or sleep well.
The initiative starts and ends with you.
Sure, you might hire someone like a trainer or a dietitian or a doctor to help get you on the right path but ultimately you're the one making every step.
Sadly, the pleasers save themselves for last.
And what happens?
Try this:
Repeated bouts of illness (due to exhaustion, poor nutrition, or too much stress)
Excessive hypertension (due to lack of balance in the homelife since one person is carrying more of the load than another)
Weight gain (due to lack of consistent exercise or adherence to a food regimen)
Decreased self esteem (see any of the above)
And this is why I respectfully say, when you decide to start caring about YOU, then YOU will change.
Sometimes it starts with reconfiguring priorities, schedules, and lifestyles. No one could (or SHOULD) penalize you for taking control of your health.
But any hope of having some sense of balance in your life will come when you start to take control and start looking after the few things in your life that are within your power to fix.
The pleasers I train who haven't wrapped their arms around this concept see slower weight loss, higher likelihood of regaining weight which was previously lost, and the frequency with which they get sick is astonishing.
And you look at their lifestyle and say..."Well, it's no wonder".
We can't force you to care about yourself and make YOU a priority.
But we can help you once you've made that very important step.
Is your exceptional ability to please and tend to others among your best traits?
Maybe you're the loving parent who makes sure their children have everything: material needs, your physical companionship to their sporting or extracurricular events, etc.
Maybe you're the perfect partner: always carving out time to make meals for your loved ones, making sure you spend ample time at the end of the day with each other, etc.
I love being around "pleasers". They're so impressive with their ability to multi-task and accomplish everything they need to and then some, so that no one is disappointed or left wanting in their life.
So, what's the problem?
Well, typically pleasers take care of everyone but themselves.
Don't get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a fantastic parent, spouse, significant other, etc.
But when you invest your 110% into all of those avenues, many pleasers get to the end of their day and realize they accomplished little for themselves.
It never ceases to amaze me, many of the pleasers I work with can cover the most intimate details of all the things they did for others.
Only to discover, they forgot to shower, brush their teeth, fix their hair, put on matching socks, remember to wear all the proper clothing, etc.
At a certain point, you have to stop, take pause, and realize that only YOU can take care of you.
No one can make you exercise, eat right, or sleep well.
The initiative starts and ends with you.
Sure, you might hire someone like a trainer or a dietitian or a doctor to help get you on the right path but ultimately you're the one making every step.
Sadly, the pleasers save themselves for last.
And what happens?
Try this:
Repeated bouts of illness (due to exhaustion, poor nutrition, or too much stress)
Excessive hypertension (due to lack of balance in the homelife since one person is carrying more of the load than another)
Weight gain (due to lack of consistent exercise or adherence to a food regimen)
Decreased self esteem (see any of the above)
And this is why I respectfully say, when you decide to start caring about YOU, then YOU will change.
Sometimes it starts with reconfiguring priorities, schedules, and lifestyles. No one could (or SHOULD) penalize you for taking control of your health.
But any hope of having some sense of balance in your life will come when you start to take control and start looking after the few things in your life that are within your power to fix.
The pleasers I train who haven't wrapped their arms around this concept see slower weight loss, higher likelihood of regaining weight which was previously lost, and the frequency with which they get sick is astonishing.
And you look at their lifestyle and say..."Well, it's no wonder".
We can't force you to care about yourself and make YOU a priority.
But we can help you once you've made that very important step.
Monday, January 6, 2014
A Trainer's Call To Arms
Over the last several years I've been blessed with the great opportunity to own my business. Along the way, I've met some amazing trainers and wellness professionals who continue to inspire me and show me new perspectives on how our industry evolves.
But there's been a fairly alarming trend between a lot of professionals I know. While this is not exclusive to all and we all have our different areas of emphasis, I send this message out to all of you who work with clients from a weight-loss perspective.
When you have a client who is battling issues from being overweight it isn't JUST an exercise (or lack thereof) issue. It isn't JUST a food (or overabundance of) issue. There can be deep-rooted behavioral issues grounded in years of patterning. There can be hormonal issues which NO trainer is in a position to test for and diagnose. Although, you can liase with a doctor to help determine proper protocols for balance if the client releases authorization with which to do so.
All this being said, it stands to reason that when you post "motivational" pictures of ridiculously fit people with slogans that say things like "If you work hard enough, you'll look like this", etc. You're only reinforcing one more negative association into the mind of someone who potentially has enough negative stimulus in their psyche to begin with.
When you flaunt all your great accomplishments in the gym and your undying dedication, it's reveals a "well, duh" response. YOU are expected to be in the gym, and in many cases, are expected to be in great shape. So, while those crazy fit models in the pictures are motivating to YOU, they likely are not motivating at all to your clients. Why? Because it's not realistic.
Despite your best efforts to motivate, you stand to lose more clients than you gain. The reason: most of your weight-loss clients couldn't give a damn about being ripped. They care about being healthy.
So, if you CARE about your clients. Start learning psychological habits of overeating. Spend less time searching for memes of unrealistic physiques with overused cliches to motivate and teach yourself about things like probiotics, hormonal balances, and lifestyle changes that STICK.
Most of all, be patient. It might shock you but a lot of people HATE exercising. They will likely never enjoy it the way you do. It's your job to make it reasonable AND effective.
Don't be the trainer who shames them into success. A client doesn't become dangerously overweight without issues of shame to begin with.
As always, this is meant with the most respect for each of you. Just don't forget that we all motivate differently. Shy of you adding a license in psychotherapy to your list of credentials you won't be able to fix all the issues your clients will have, and I'll be damned if a dumbbell can fix the rest.
But there's been a fairly alarming trend between a lot of professionals I know. While this is not exclusive to all and we all have our different areas of emphasis, I send this message out to all of you who work with clients from a weight-loss perspective.
When you have a client who is battling issues from being overweight it isn't JUST an exercise (or lack thereof) issue. It isn't JUST a food (or overabundance of) issue. There can be deep-rooted behavioral issues grounded in years of patterning. There can be hormonal issues which NO trainer is in a position to test for and diagnose. Although, you can liase with a doctor to help determine proper protocols for balance if the client releases authorization with which to do so.
All this being said, it stands to reason that when you post "motivational" pictures of ridiculously fit people with slogans that say things like "If you work hard enough, you'll look like this", etc. You're only reinforcing one more negative association into the mind of someone who potentially has enough negative stimulus in their psyche to begin with.
When you flaunt all your great accomplishments in the gym and your undying dedication, it's reveals a "well, duh" response. YOU are expected to be in the gym, and in many cases, are expected to be in great shape. So, while those crazy fit models in the pictures are motivating to YOU, they likely are not motivating at all to your clients. Why? Because it's not realistic.
Despite your best efforts to motivate, you stand to lose more clients than you gain. The reason: most of your weight-loss clients couldn't give a damn about being ripped. They care about being healthy.
So, if you CARE about your clients. Start learning psychological habits of overeating. Spend less time searching for memes of unrealistic physiques with overused cliches to motivate and teach yourself about things like probiotics, hormonal balances, and lifestyle changes that STICK.
Most of all, be patient. It might shock you but a lot of people HATE exercising. They will likely never enjoy it the way you do. It's your job to make it reasonable AND effective.
Don't be the trainer who shames them into success. A client doesn't become dangerously overweight without issues of shame to begin with.
As always, this is meant with the most respect for each of you. Just don't forget that we all motivate differently. Shy of you adding a license in psychotherapy to your list of credentials you won't be able to fix all the issues your clients will have, and I'll be damned if a dumbbell can fix the rest.
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